Tuning HiT Clutch – Road Test

Tuning HiT Clutch - Road Test - image cover

Tuning HiT Clutch – Road Test Test Condition Windbreak forest The road for the riding test is beside a windbreak forest, which is not affected by the weather and wind, the only disadvantage is that the distance is not long enough. Scooter Model Kymco Famous 125c.cVehicle weight is 110 kg (243 lb) Load Additional load […]

Compare stock clutch to HiT Clutch – Field Test – GY6

Compare stock clutch to HiT Clutch - image cover

Compare stock clutch to HiT Clutch – Field Test Field Test To compare various data between stock (conventional) clutch and High Thrust Clutch. Application: Veypor Analysis Software The Veypor Analysis Software constitutes a component of the Veypor motorcycle performance data acquisition system. Aimed at assisting riders in accurately gathering and analyzing their motorcycle’s performance data, […]

HiT Clutch Slippage simulation

HiT Clutch Slippage simulation - image cover

HiT Clutch Slippage Simulation What is ADAMS? Application: ADAMS SIMULATION ADAMS (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical System) or MD ADAMS (Adams for Multibody Dynamics) is a simulation application software for developers and engineers to build and test virtual mechanical prototypes. It is one of the most popular software for mechanical module analysis. https://www.mscsoftware.com/product/adams Stock clutch […]