Tag Archives: attached video

What is Torque Spring Washer

What is Torque Spring Washer - image cover

What is Torque Spring Washer Foreward The applied examples provided here do not mean all the vehicles are designed in the same way, readers need to have their own judgment for reference. How is its function? It called Torque Spring Washer, its functions including: Basic introduction This is a driven pulley, half of which is […]

CVT Acceleration Curves – Basic Concept

CVT Acceleration Curves - Image cover

CVT Acceleration Curves – Basic Concept Concept of a Continuously Variable Transmission, CVT Basic Concept, Description of CVT Full Acceleration Curves. Basic Introduction We are going to explain some basic concept of this CVT Transmission. While Driving Pulley Set includes the Ramp Plate, Variator, Boss, Fan and Roller Weights; Driven Pulley Set includes Driven Face, […]

What is the effect of the burrs on the Ramp Plate? Weight Rollers life

What is the effect of the burrs on the Ramp Plate - image cover

What is the effect of the burrs on the Ramp Plate? Foreword In order to make it easy for understanding clearly, some parts of the displayed pictures are exaggerated and enlarged, rather than the actual appearance, so it’s for reference only. Basic introduction The relevant parts include Ramp Plate, Weight Roller and Variator. From the […]

How to tune HiT Clutch – Troubleshooting

How to tune HiT Clutch - image cover

How to tune HiT Clutch Basic Conventional Clutch —– The grip force comes only from the centrifugal force and the friction coefficient of the wear pad on the clutch weight. HiT clutch —– The grip force comes not only from the centrifugal force and the friction coefficient of clutch weight, but most importantly from the […]

Tuning HiT Clutch – Road Test

Tuning HiT Clutch - Road Test - image cover

Tuning HiT Clutch – Road Test Test Condition Windbreak forest The road for the riding test is beside a windbreak forest, which is not affected by the weather and wind, the only disadvantage is that the distance is not long enough. Scooter Model Kymco Famous 125c.cVehicle weight is 110 kg (243 lb) Load Additional load […]