
DrPulley.Co will never contact you for order or payment information, credit card information, bank account, or any personal information by phone, text message or email. Never.

We will NEVER ask you to do any settings or operation through ATM, bank counter, or online banking for ANY reason (order change, amount change, installment plan, membership upgrade, etc.) Please be aware of these kinds of internet scams and frauds. In case you receive any strange phone calls, please simply hang up. You are more than welcome to submit your doubt or questions through our online Contact Form anytime.

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Internet frauds are getting more serious and the perpetrators uses various methods to illegally obtain information or money from victims. To protect yourself, some key points are showed below:

Do NOT operate at ATM by any instruction

There are no “Settings Cancellation”, “Payment Refund”, “Installment Change” or similar function on an ATM. So, if you got any mail, email, phone call or text message instructing you to do any, but not limited to, operations above, it must be a FRAUD. Even if you are asked to double-check the transaction history or account balance, DON’T do that.

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Do NOT reveal any personal information

If there is any suspicious phone call asking you to verify bank account, credit card information (anything on the front or back of the card), personal or financial information, please be cautious and do not provide any information.
How do I know whether it is suspicious? Literally any phone call, email, or text from someone you do not know is suspicious.

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Do NOT call back to any unknown numbers

Scam or fraud criminals may hide the caller ID or illegally use others’ caller ID to call or text you. If you get any suspicious phone call or text message, please simply ignore it. There is no way that a trustworthy business reaches you for confidential information via phone conversation or message. If you happen to have any order with us, please contact us through our online Contact Form.

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Do NOT do online shopping in unfamiliar or public location

While people are getting used to online shopping, it is strongly suggested that you do online shopping at home or your own office. Do online shopping, keying your personal or card information in public area, such as airports or coffee shops where internet hackers may be around, can make you vulnerable to internet frauds.

So, shop online at home.

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