What if I do not find my vehicle model in the List?

What if I do not find my vehicle model in the List?

Fill out the Contact Form

If you do not find the vehicle models you want on DrPulley.Co webshop, it is very likely that we haven’t collected sufficient information or haven’t uploaded the information. So, here is what you may do:

FAQ - What if I do not find my vehicle model - icon
  1. First, try to reach our distributor in your region. As they are local, they have the most accurate information for local vehicles.
  2. Fill out the Contact Form and send to us. Our customer service will help. Please include Brand, Model (main info) and Year (if applicable). # For example: Piaggio, Beverly 300, Year 2016.
  3. You may open the CVT case of the vehicle and measure the parts accordingly. For roller weight, you will need to get its OD (outer diameter), Height and Weight (gm) so that you know which size/weight to order from our shop.

*Please note: we highly recommend you find a technician if you are not familiar with how to disassemble and re-assemble the CVT system.